
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What's Keeping Me Alive?

What's keeping me alive? What's the point of me living?

Where is my happiness?
What am I suppose to do?
Why do I fail at everything I do?
Why, no matter what I try, can't I be happy?
Why am I depressed?
Why do I hate myself?
Why do I hate my existence?
Why do I feel there is no point to live?
Why am I still keeping myself alive?

These are questions I ask myself a thousand times everyday.
And I try, and try to find an answer.
But I can't find one. 


I dont know. I don't have an answer to any of these questions. Not even one.

The only thing I can tell myself is this.
There has to be hope. There has to be something out there that can make me happy. 
There has to be a reason I'm alive, and there has be to a reason I am keeping myself alive. 


If I really am suppose to exist, why dose the whole world work against me to get ride of me?

1 comment:

  1. First off, I'm going to tell you that I'm not very good at this. But please bear with me. You have a purpose on this earth. Now I don't know what it is, but God does. I'm not sure what you believe, so I'm going to tell you everything. :) Please bear with me. I believe that there is one true God. And that He created the world in six days by the power of His word. He created man and woman, to be together. Then they sinned. But there was still hope! Much later, God sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for our sins that way we would no longer be separated from God. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead. Now we can pray to God wherever and whenever time we want. Jesus died on the cross for you Rylee. He saved you from your sins! He can help you in your time of need! Just pray to Him! Confess your sins to Him. He loves you Rylee! Just imagine, someone dying for you to save your sins! That's what Jesus did! You have a purpose Rylee. We all do. You can find hope in Jesus!
    P.S. If you have any questions feel free to ask me!
