I have been awarded by the wonderful Ellie over at On the other side of Reality and lovely Adi from over at The Halfing Writer for an award I made a few weeks back.You can visit Ellie's blog by clicking
HERE and Adi's blog by clicking
Thank you both so much for nominating me. It means a lot.^-^
Here are the rules:
1. Copy and paste these rules on to your award post.
2. Come up with at least 5 fun questions for your nominees to answer.
3. Nominate at least 5 people who you think are amazing and have an amazing blog.
4. List at least one reason why you appreciate the people you nominated.
5. Put this award on your sidebar or award/tag page if you were nominated.
6. Leave a comment on your nominees' blogs letting them know they've been nominated.
Alright lets start with Ellie's questions:
1. Have you ever pushed on a door that says pull, or pulled on a door that says push?
Ummm....who hasn't done this...xD
Yes I have.
2. Have you ever accidentally locked yourself in a room?
I don't think so...I've been locked in a room before by somebody else.
Who I'm still waiting to punch for doing it and that and it was like 9 years ago.
I love any socks that are fuzzy so yep!
4. Have you ever been in a public place, saw some statues, thought they were real people, and started talking to them whilst everyone around you sees this and thinks you're mentally unstable? ('Cause that's happened to me before. Twice.)
Nope, I'm gonna have to say that I haven't yet.xD
5. When you open your closet door, are you afraid that a black torrent of nothingness and despair will suck you down into an eternal torment from which there is no escape?
My closet doesn't have a door *the crowd gasps* but whenever its dark and I'm walking up the stairs I always feel like there is someone behind me ready to kill me.
*cough don't tell me you don't do this cough*
And now for the lovely Adi's questions:
1. Would you rather travel by plane or boat? Why?
Ugh, why this question? I'm terrified of boats because I scared It will sink and I afraid of planes cause they can crash over large bodies of water.
Nope, I'll just walk thank you very much.
Okay, Okay I'm not that afraid of either of these things
So, I do suppose I would rather take a plane.
And the reason being because It would be more comfortable and we would arrive to our destination quicker.
2. Any irrational fears?
My dear Adi/twin.xD You are unknowingly torturing me with these questions about my fears.
I have a VERY irrational fear of spiders.
Other odd fears I have are of sharks, planes crashing over water, and sinking boats.
I think my chances of any one of you wanting to meet me just want to 0 after hearing my fears.=D
3. What's the thing you geek out about the most?
4. Does anybody else love the feel of soft, thin pages in books or am I seriously alone in this matter?
I love when books have soft, smooth pages.xD
5. Have you watched any Amazingphil videos?
Dont kill me dear person.
I have not.
I'm on a break from Youtube so, that is the reason why.
But when I'm am off my break, I'm very much so planing on it.
6. Favorite article of clothing?
I like jeans, and cute shorter dresses or skirts...and socks...and big baggy confortable sweat shirts.
I love narrowing things down as you can tell.xD
7. Do you know who Patrick Stump is? (Or have I been doing a terrible job on making sure everybody who reads my blog clearly knows who he is? xD)
Never heard of the guy. We must not be having enough "fangirl" conversations.xD
Okay, I'm lying.
Yes I have heard of him.
And I like him.
Thats a understatment.xD
8. How many electronic devices do you own?
At the moment I own two.
My beautiful pink iPod names Taylor, and my handsome computer names Adam.
Yes, I named him after Adam young. Dose anyone else name there devices??
It's so funny how much the name Adam fits my computer.
I'll be talking to somebody and be like:
"Hey, do you know where Adam is?"
I'm not lying.xD
9. Be honest-About how many hours a day do you think you spend online?
Haven't counted but probable around 4 hours...sometimes more of less depending on the day.
I know its a lot but I'm planing on getting a life outside of my computer soon.
10. Do you still currently have Christmas decorations up in your household? (We do. xD)
We have on 4 inch tree left in my room.
Thats it, very sadly.
My mom made us take down our tree and decor like 3 days after Christmas, against my will.^_^
I am not going to be nominating anyone again sense I already nominated people when I created this award but, If you haven't received this award yet, feel free to nominate yourself and use Ellie's or Adi's questions.^_^
Thank you both again so much for nominating me! Have a wonderful rest of the day!